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  • Ultrasound-Shoulder Exercise Model Ultrasound-Shoulder Exercise Model

    Ultrasound-Shoulder Exercise Model

    Erler Zimmer

    This ultrasound model shows a life-size human shoulder with the following structures:Humerus, scapula, clavicle, acromioclavicular ligament and biceps ligament.The shoulder can be punctured with 27...
  • Ultrasound Exercise Knee (Left) Ultrasound Exercise Knee (Left)

    Ultrasound Exercise Knee (Left)

    Erler Zimmer

    This ultrasound model shows a left, life-size human knee with the following structures:Femur, tibia and patella bones. Quadriceps tendon, patellar ligament, infrapatellar fat pad, synovium,...
  • Fascia Plane Simulator Fascia Plane Simulator

    Fascia Plane Simulator

    Erler Zimmer

    Fascia is a thin sheath of connective tissue that surrounds all organs, blood vessels, bones, nerve fibres and muscles and holds them in place.Injections for nerves and muscles are often injected...
  • Ultrasound Face Ultrasound Face

    Ultrasound Face

    Erler Zimmer

    The facial ultrasound simulator contains the following muscles:M. frontalis, M. temporalis, M. orbicularis oculi, M. risorius, M. zygomaticus major & minor, M. levator labii, M. buccinator, M...
  • Breast Phantom Simulator Breast Phantom Simulator

    Breast Phantom Simulator

    Erler Zimmer

    Left and right breasts attach to adult upper torso. The left breast permits ultrasound identification of cysts versus dense masses, while the right breast permits identification of cysts of different...